Ah Paige...
Everybody that knows Paige, says all those things about her and more.
She is the fourth daughter in our family and has 3 big sisters to look up to. As for fillling their shoes, she will have no problem. She is just like they are.
She is the kind of girl that you want to be around. She has a calming affect on you. She is mild mannered and even tempered, although in the last year or so I have heard many people, young and old alike that say, "Oh my gosh, Paige is so funny. She really made us laugh." I got to see that side of her last year at girls camp. What a riot she can be!
She is so creative. She is always making something, sewing a purse, making jewerly, hair bows, etc. She knows how to dress so cute and fix her hair so adorable.
She has so many friends because she is so kind and thoughtful. She wouldn't hurt a flea. She has a stalker at school. He is a sweet handicapped boy that follows her around everywhere. One day she didn't go to school. He stood by the Seminary door waiting and waiting for her to come. The Seminary teacher finally had to say "Come sit down Lehi, she's not coming."
She is an example to all her friends as a righteous young woman. One year I got her some barbies for her birthday. She was in her room about an hour later changing their clothes. I asked her why, she said because they were dressed immodestly.
Here are a few pictures of her 15th birthday.
breakfast in bed
(a Meacham tradition, she wanted German pancakes and fruit)
morning presents to open
a "score cake" that Mallory made for her.
presents from Mal
from Cas

and from Megan
Paige, you are the sweet daughter that I still get to have around,
sandwiched in between two boys.
I am grateful to have you in our home and in our family.
The Lord really blessed us when he sent you to us.
I remember the day you were born. You never left my side.
The warming bed was in my room, the nurse weighed you there and tended to your needs there in my room.
When she was ready to bathe you she said come watch this. She was done bathing your body and had you wound up tight in a blanket. She took you to the sink and turned on the warm water. She then stuck your head under the faucet and let the water run on your head. Then she put on some baby shampoo and gently washed your head, then put your head back under the faucet and just let the water rinse and run on your head as she moved you around to get all the soap out. You loved it and you slept through the whole thing. You were unruffled by the disturbance from your sleep.
It was soothing and calming to you. It was so fun to watch that.
You bring sunshine and happiness to all those who know you,
and to me!!!
I love you!!!
We cannot possibly be the same age. How did you freeze your genes 20 years ago!? So not fair.
Cute blog and darling family.
That was fabulous Joce! Way to put Paige into words. As I read I kept thinking, all those great qualities about Paige are things she has in common with you! She is definitely her mother's daughter. I love you both!
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