Since I'm trying to write about everybody on their birthday (
brit's idea
i'm copying) & I'm failing miserably at it, I'm trying to repent. Their are just
toooo many birthday's in Feb.!!!!!
So, this is my man, JAY!!! I love him!!! I have given him a run for his money and he has stuck with me for all these years. He has been patient, loving and kind, (for the most part).
He loves me and tells and shows me in his own way. He goes about it in quiet ways and doesn't even ever tell me. I just find out about it later or someone has to tell me. We recently went to
Las Vegas for Valentines. He did and said some very sweet things on that trip that were very special.
I love to see him in action with the grand kids. All his barriers come down when he sees them. He is playful and cute and full of love when they are around. He is so good with the little ones.
He is a dedicated home teacher, and dedicated scout/deacon leader, dedicated civil engineer, dedicated (slower) basketball player, dedicated city volunteer, dedicated fix-it-upper, dedicated dad, adviser and husband.
Jay, I love you! Here's to many more years! Happy Belated Birthday entry!
So sweet. We love you guys! (Rich always says that....."I like Joce and Jay, they are pretty great"...or something to that effect.)
Good job Joce! See, now no one knows that you are posting again and they are missing all these great things you are writing. I'm going to pass the word around. We love you Jay!
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